Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It seemed like a nice evening for a blog posting.

It's a cool October evening. I was outside earlier smoking and the wind rustled through the changing trees, and although I felt as though I should have on a winter coat instead of my regular black sweater, it was peaceful. (Well, semi-peaceful - it would have been completely peaceful if I hadn't have been blasting Stone Sour into my ears, haha.)

I had today and yesterday off of work, and I went to class this evening. I took the first half of my GED pre-test and at this point I'm feeling rather proud of myself. I only missed on question in each section. I took the Science, Social Studies, Reading, and Part One of the Language Arts section today. Next time I go to class I would like to get the other parts finished, which will be Part Two of Language Arts, the Essay, and Mathematics, Part One and Part Two. One thing that comforts me is the fact that my scores (according to the pre-test) could be so high that even if I only score the minimum 410 in math, my composite score could be high enough to be exceptional. Math was never my strong point anyway. If it were, I would be an engineer instead of a waitress by day, writer by night.

My bipolar has been acting up again though. The past couple of days I felt so down for some reason. I know it had to be a minor depressive state. Then I got the idea to write in my paper journal (yes, a real paper journal, not a blog) again. I hadn't done that in a while. I let it out in there, and to my amazement, I felt better. I used to keep a paper journal all the time, and I truly believe it helped to keep me sane between the ages of twelve and sixteen. I laid off of it for a couple of years, only writing in a journal every once in a while, but now I'm back at it.

I am also working on another musing for the website. This one is about my present-day life, and let me tell you, I'm taking metaphors and beating them to death in this musing. I might be sort of hard to understand but at least I'm writing. I hope it's understandable at least. I think it will be, but be forewarned, it is long. Speaking of the site, I need to start posting on Trap17 again so I can keep the hosting on the site current, I'm pretty sure I have enough credit to keep it going for a couple more months but I need to get posting so I don't lose it.

Anyway, that is all for now. Have a good morning/day/evening/night, wherever you may be. :)