Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Got The Site Back Up....

I was finally able to post enough on Trap17 to get my site back up and running. I'm going to have to do a little bit of redesigning though to make it show up properly on mobile devices. I tried it out on my phone for the first time the other night and it shows up fine except for the menu - I'll have to tweak it so the site will actually be navigable. That works out though because a lot of people actually told me that the menu was sort of clumsy. Since I don't have to work today I will probably try to work on it today.

I figured since I got the site back up, I can start blogging again. The problem? I don't know what to write about! Well, I suppose I could update what's been going on in my life since my last post in October.

I can finally consider myself a high school graduate. Yes, I got my GED! Not only did I do well enough to get it, but I got high honors on it. :) My math score wasn't that impressive (490) but the scores on both English sections were down right rockin' - 800, a perfect score. I scored 710 in science and 630 in social studies, which made my overall score 3460 (or something like that - I know it was 3400 something). Now it's time to start thinking about college, only I don't know what I want to major in. I'm thinking philosophy, although I do not know what I could possibly do with a degree in philosophy. I'm also thinking about English too, as that degree could come in handy in just about any field. I definitely want to pull a minor under my major, and my minor will probably be Spanish. I've also given a little thought to political science too, although once again, I don't know what I would do with a degree in political science.

I also got a job, although I didn't write about it in my last post, I've had it since September. I have the ultra-glamorous job of being a waitress. OK, OK - not THAT glamorous, but it's better than nothing. I make enough money to live and that's all that matters. I am now in the process of trying to get out on my own. My friend Heather and I are going to work something out around tax time because that will be the best time for us to be able to afford it. I figured it would be a lot easier and cheaper to have a roommate than trying to do it all on my own.

I'm sort of getting my life cleaned up, it looks like. I'm getting friends back that I didn't talk to while I was psycho, and I'm actually somewhat normal. That's not to say that I don't go crazy from time to time, but as long as it doesn't happen like it did over a year ago, I think I can deal with it. (That's probably not the best thing to say, seeing as how I'm not medicated or anything.)

That's all I have to say for now. I'm off to work on the site. Catch you all later.