Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Got The Site Back Up....

I was finally able to post enough on Trap17 to get my site back up and running. I'm going to have to do a little bit of redesigning though to make it show up properly on mobile devices. I tried it out on my phone for the first time the other night and it shows up fine except for the menu - I'll have to tweak it so the site will actually be navigable. That works out though because a lot of people actually told me that the menu was sort of clumsy. Since I don't have to work today I will probably try to work on it today.

I figured since I got the site back up, I can start blogging again. The problem? I don't know what to write about! Well, I suppose I could update what's been going on in my life since my last post in October.

I can finally consider myself a high school graduate. Yes, I got my GED! Not only did I do well enough to get it, but I got high honors on it. :) My math score wasn't that impressive (490) but the scores on both English sections were down right rockin' - 800, a perfect score. I scored 710 in science and 630 in social studies, which made my overall score 3460 (or something like that - I know it was 3400 something). Now it's time to start thinking about college, only I don't know what I want to major in. I'm thinking philosophy, although I do not know what I could possibly do with a degree in philosophy. I'm also thinking about English too, as that degree could come in handy in just about any field. I definitely want to pull a minor under my major, and my minor will probably be Spanish. I've also given a little thought to political science too, although once again, I don't know what I would do with a degree in political science.

I also got a job, although I didn't write about it in my last post, I've had it since September. I have the ultra-glamorous job of being a waitress. OK, OK - not THAT glamorous, but it's better than nothing. I make enough money to live and that's all that matters. I am now in the process of trying to get out on my own. My friend Heather and I are going to work something out around tax time because that will be the best time for us to be able to afford it. I figured it would be a lot easier and cheaper to have a roommate than trying to do it all on my own.

I'm sort of getting my life cleaned up, it looks like. I'm getting friends back that I didn't talk to while I was psycho, and I'm actually somewhat normal. That's not to say that I don't go crazy from time to time, but as long as it doesn't happen like it did over a year ago, I think I can deal with it. (That's probably not the best thing to say, seeing as how I'm not medicated or anything.)

That's all I have to say for now. I'm off to work on the site. Catch you all later.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It seemed like a nice evening for a blog posting.

It's a cool October evening. I was outside earlier smoking and the wind rustled through the changing trees, and although I felt as though I should have on a winter coat instead of my regular black sweater, it was peaceful. (Well, semi-peaceful - it would have been completely peaceful if I hadn't have been blasting Stone Sour into my ears, haha.)

I had today and yesterday off of work, and I went to class this evening. I took the first half of my GED pre-test and at this point I'm feeling rather proud of myself. I only missed on question in each section. I took the Science, Social Studies, Reading, and Part One of the Language Arts section today. Next time I go to class I would like to get the other parts finished, which will be Part Two of Language Arts, the Essay, and Mathematics, Part One and Part Two. One thing that comforts me is the fact that my scores (according to the pre-test) could be so high that even if I only score the minimum 410 in math, my composite score could be high enough to be exceptional. Math was never my strong point anyway. If it were, I would be an engineer instead of a waitress by day, writer by night.

My bipolar has been acting up again though. The past couple of days I felt so down for some reason. I know it had to be a minor depressive state. Then I got the idea to write in my paper journal (yes, a real paper journal, not a blog) again. I hadn't done that in a while. I let it out in there, and to my amazement, I felt better. I used to keep a paper journal all the time, and I truly believe it helped to keep me sane between the ages of twelve and sixteen. I laid off of it for a couple of years, only writing in a journal every once in a while, but now I'm back at it.

I am also working on another musing for the website. This one is about my present-day life, and let me tell you, I'm taking metaphors and beating them to death in this musing. I might be sort of hard to understand but at least I'm writing. I hope it's understandable at least. I think it will be, but be forewarned, it is long. Speaking of the site, I need to start posting on Trap17 again so I can keep the hosting on the site current, I'm pretty sure I have enough credit to keep it going for a couple more months but I need to get posting so I don't lose it.

Anyway, that is all for now. Have a good morning/day/evening/night, wherever you may be. :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

So many changes.

So much is changing for me. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing. For one, I am now enrolled in the GED classes here in my town, and I got a job as a waitress at a local restaurant. That's why this might not be updated frequently (not that it ever would have been to begin with, I suppose). So far, even though I've only worked for two days at my job, I'm liking it. It's keeping me busy but at least I don't stand around feeling like a lump on a log. I'm tired after my shifts but at least I have some sort of sense of accomplishment, being tired from working instead of being tired from doing absolutely nothing. It's also nice to have at least a little cash to take home at the end of the shift - nothing's better than cold, hard cash immediately. (I promise I'm not greedy, but a few extra bucks can make the difference between nic-fitting or not.)

I'm not sure if I'll go to class tomorrow or not. I don't have to work tomorrow or Thursday, so I can either go to class tomorrow or Thursday. If I go to class tomorrow I know I won't stay the whole six hours. I want a little downtime tomorrow too, but going tomorrow makes more sense than going Thursday when it would be harder on me to squeeze it in somewhere.

I also moved in with my older sister and her family a couple of weeks ago. We need not go into details about that, but that is basically the whole reason I went back to school (in a manner of speaking) and got a job. I couldn't afford to live here if I didn't. Plus, working and stuff is a lot easier than listening to my sister bitch at me (as she so often did prior to me landing a job) about not having one.

As far as my bipolar goes, it's actually going alright now. I got to thinking about how much I've changed in the past year and a half or so. Last year, I spent the better part of the year absolutely crazy, either way too high on mania or at a ridiculous low because of depression. I can't afford to go that crazy now, so I am considering going back to the doctor (for the first time in over a year) and asking about lithium. I can deal with depression pretty well, but mania always gets me. I'm rapid-cycling because I have one manic episode a year, one depressed episode a year, but I'm guaranteed to have at least one hypomanic episode a month. If I want to hold down my life though, I can't afford to go crazy again, or at least THAT crazy again. I just can't.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Well here we go.

Well I suppose I should start writing in this blog now that the site is all finished. I really don't know what purpose this blog will serve. All of my others have a specific purpose (commentary, music, etc.). Maybe I'll log updates to the site, or my daily life, or how many times my dog licks himself in a day. Who knows?

I think I'll probably just write about my daily life in this blog. I actually have a Xanga blog that I use for that, although it is VERY rarely updated. Maybe having a blog on Blogger, which is easier to use and doesn't have as many drama queens/kings, will make daily blogging a more enjoyable experience.

In all seriousness, I think it will be a blog with just what's up with my life, and as the subtitle would suggest, my adventures in madness. I mean, I do deal with bipolar on the site, and will deal with it on YouTube in the near future - why not deal with it head-on in a blog too? Make no mistake though, that will not be the sole purpose of this blog. I am not defined by any diagnosis I have been painted with. I won't start now.

Anyway, I just figured I should make a post now that the site is live now. I promise I'll write more soon!