Tuesday, September 15, 2009

So many changes.

So much is changing for me. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing. For one, I am now enrolled in the GED classes here in my town, and I got a job as a waitress at a local restaurant. That's why this might not be updated frequently (not that it ever would have been to begin with, I suppose). So far, even though I've only worked for two days at my job, I'm liking it. It's keeping me busy but at least I don't stand around feeling like a lump on a log. I'm tired after my shifts but at least I have some sort of sense of accomplishment, being tired from working instead of being tired from doing absolutely nothing. It's also nice to have at least a little cash to take home at the end of the shift - nothing's better than cold, hard cash immediately. (I promise I'm not greedy, but a few extra bucks can make the difference between nic-fitting or not.)

I'm not sure if I'll go to class tomorrow or not. I don't have to work tomorrow or Thursday, so I can either go to class tomorrow or Thursday. If I go to class tomorrow I know I won't stay the whole six hours. I want a little downtime tomorrow too, but going tomorrow makes more sense than going Thursday when it would be harder on me to squeeze it in somewhere.

I also moved in with my older sister and her family a couple of weeks ago. We need not go into details about that, but that is basically the whole reason I went back to school (in a manner of speaking) and got a job. I couldn't afford to live here if I didn't. Plus, working and stuff is a lot easier than listening to my sister bitch at me (as she so often did prior to me landing a job) about not having one.

As far as my bipolar goes, it's actually going alright now. I got to thinking about how much I've changed in the past year and a half or so. Last year, I spent the better part of the year absolutely crazy, either way too high on mania or at a ridiculous low because of depression. I can't afford to go that crazy now, so I am considering going back to the doctor (for the first time in over a year) and asking about lithium. I can deal with depression pretty well, but mania always gets me. I'm rapid-cycling because I have one manic episode a year, one depressed episode a year, but I'm guaranteed to have at least one hypomanic episode a month. If I want to hold down my life though, I can't afford to go crazy again, or at least THAT crazy again. I just can't.

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